Any trick not containing a trump is won by the person who played the highest card of the suit led. A trick is won by the person who played the highest trump.
Four cards played (including the card led) constitute a trick. If a player cannot follow suit, they may play any card. When it is the dealer's turn to play to the first trick, they pick up the trump card and it becomes part of the dealer's hand, then they play a card to the trick. Each player in turn plays a card, following suit if possible. The player on the dealer's left leads first and may play any card, with play continuing clockwise. For example, if the trump suit is diamond, a 2 of diamonds outranks a 10 of clubs. The cards are ranked with Ace being the highest and 2 being the lowest, with the trump suited card outranking all other cards. The last card for the dealer is dealt face up. The dealer gives each player 13 cards, one card at a time, face down, beginning with the player on their left. At the start of the game, the players split into 2 teams of 2 and choose a dealer. Whist is a 4-player card game where players try to win tricks to score points.